Solutions for Corporate & Enterprise

Companies large and small are using streaming as a way to bring down costs and enhance the accessibility of their webinars, conferences, meetings, and internal videos. Turman Tech provides an end-to-end solution and works directly with corporate clients to meet their unique needs.

Why choose an OTT/IPTV infrastructure ?

Whether you’re streaming a live conference from an IP encoder or have a large volume of media files you need to transfer and transcode, we’ll help convert your source into the right formats to stream it to any device around the world.

Reach your employees and customers wherever they are with web streaming and apps for all major platforms. Whether you want to provide training videos to your staff on Roku or stream your annual conference to employees who can’t make it, we can help you get your content where it needs to be.

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Advantages of IPTV/OTT Networks

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Reach larger audiences

Mobile Apps options and worldwide access increase your user target base.
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High-value, low price

OTT networks solutions are usually cheaper with more flexibility than traditional satellite infrastructure.
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Monetization options

Flexibility to choose a monetization model that fits your market.

IPTV/OTT Benefits

Below is an overview of the main features and benefits Turman Tech's Turnkey solution. offers.

Turnkey End-to-End Solution

Launch, manage your content and monetize your own IPTV/OTT Network.


Unlimited scalable CDN with cloud, dedicated or hybrid solutions.

Content Options

Manage your content and provide LiveTV, timeshifts and Video-On-Demand.


Manage your subscriptions, billing information, customers and content,
in one place.


Multiple ways to monetize your network with subscriptions, services, pay-per-view and more.

Brandable Apps

Your customers will enjoy your brand’s experience on modern apps.

Work with Turman Tech

Our team of experts can help you implement your project, using the industry’s latest technology.
We will also offer assistance and support in every step of the process, including configuration and launch and also provide training to your administration team.

Interested in our Solutions?

Click on the Request A Meeting button to discuss your project.